Sia was nominated for one of my Photos for Jamie sessions last year. She has been through a lot, making it difficult to schedule this session until now. I really wanted to make this session happen for her, so I recently reached out again. This was her response to my email:
“Yes please! Oh my goodness, you’ve answered a prayer. Thank you. I’ve been thinking about you because I’m terminal now, and boy. Nothing makes you stop and say we need pictures like, ‘you’ve got months to live.’ But I didn’t want to ask because of COVID. So thank you for reaching out. And thank you for this incredible work you do. Pictures are so priceless.”
My heart sunk. I was hoping for better news. Her and her family have been on my mind ever since.
A few days ago, I was finally able to meet Sia. She is so beautiful and strong and just a joy to be around! She has been able to keep her sense of humor through it all and I could feel how much she adores her kids and her husband! I was excited for this session, but a little nervous that it would be too emotional for me. I made it through, but definitely cried on the way home. Cancer is so unfair and it just makes me angry when it threatens to break up beautiful, young families. Seeing how she finds beauty through the pain has given me hope. I’m so grateful for her influence and that she allowed me capture this precious time.

Here is Sia’s story in her own words:
“I was first diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer when I was 35, but I’ve been sick since my first pregnancy at age 20. My oncologist believes that the cancer began at 20, and it caused me pain because I have hyper-sensitive nerves. Cancer was never suspected because it’s rare for cancer to cause pain, but it does me.
I’m now 38 and terminal. The cancer has spread to my lung and skin. Each day is painful and difficult. I work hard just to function. But each day is also more beautiful and important than I ever realized before. I’m more grateful than I’ve ever been just to be with and be able to help my my family, my friends, and everyone I meet. I now honor life in a way I’ve never been able to before. I’m awake in a new, beautiful way. And so, even though my trials seem impossible and unfair at times, I’m more blessed than I’ve ever realized before. How amazing to raise one precious son and one sweet daughter. My husband has been my best friend and partner in crime for my entire adult life. Joe and I still do everything together. What a gift to be married to this kind, patient, funny guy for the past 18 years.
These pictures tell our story. That we’re strong because of our trials. That we love each other deeply. That we know exactly how to support each other. This is what makes life so precious. ❤”

I’m currently taking nominations for four more Photos for Jamie sessions. Please email the following info to nominate yourself or someone you know to by October 13th.
- Name
- Where they live
- A short paragraph about them
If you want to see past sessions, you can find the links here: Dana and Katie. And please encourage all the women in your life to schedule their yearly breast cancer screening!