I recently got a special package in the mail. If you knew my mom, you know she crocheted a ton! I wish I had a count of how many of these blankets she crocheted for baby gifts. Before she passed away, she was working on this blue one for a future grand baby. She wasn’t able to finish it. Her twin sister offered to finish the blanket and she crocheted the most perfect pink square where my mom left off. I will treasure it forever and ever.
If you have a blanket my mom crocheted, will you send me a picture of it? You can email them to madison.jj@hotmail.com or post on social media and tag me.

Oh Mad the pictures are perfect!! 💗
Madison, Thanks, thanks, thanks for sharing this!! Many a day your mom sat in the faculty room at Cleveland Elementary crocheting between classtimes. She also tried to teach many of us how to do this afghan. We weren’t very skilled even though she was a good teacher. I love that Jodie finished this for you! I miss your mom!! She was always good to us! Love you!!