Sometimes I shoot personal work on film. Since all the pictures from my childhood are on film, these instantly feel like old memories to me. I love that about it. And the colors are just so perfect. I will always remember summers hanging out in the back yard after John gets home.
Family Portraits
The simple things
Bought a bubble machine today. It was a good choice. I love summer.
Personal + Camping
We went camping over the 4th of July and it was so great and so dirty. I have never seen my kids get so dirty! They were actually pouring buckets of dirt on their own heads. Toddler heaven! I only pulled out my camera once, but I took some cute videos on my phone and I’m working on making them into a home video. I’m definitely not a pro, but it has been so fun to make something meaningful out of all the random videos on my phone. I will share when it’s finished!
Player Family + Desert Session
I can’t believe I haven’t blogged this session before now because it’s a pretty one! I really love the desert tones and think its the perfect backdrop to showcase families. This family was so sweet and I loved watching them interact with each other. They were so kind and loving. We did their family photos as part of their extended family session with Kirk’s side of the family. I was blown away by how cooperative all the kids were. Seriously, they won my heart. They were so sweet and too cute for their own good. Wait until you see their little boy… I met him once and I love him!… Keep Reading
Petersen Family + Cleveland, UT
I absolutely love when I get to photograph people from my home town! Cleveland is tiny, and off the beaten path and it will always have my heart. Brooke also grew up in Cleveland, moved away for a bit, and now she and her gorgeous family moved back and built a beautiful home together. I hope to move my own family back there someday. Brooke is so easy to work with and the whole family made this session fun and easy! Their oldest will be leaving on an LDS mission to Arkansas soon and he is pretty excited (his mom isn’t talking about it). I loved documenting their family dynamic… Keep Reading
Fromm Family + Saltair
My husband went to high school with Casey, but this was the first time I met him and his wife Kendra. They immediately felt like old friends and I had a blast hanging out with them and meeting their little guy, Stone. He was THE sweetest! I don’t think I have ever photographed a more cooperative one-year-old. He was a dream and was giving me hugs by the end of the session. I loved watching them interact with each other. You can just see how much they treasure Stone. And I mean, who wouldn’t? Just look at the handsome little guy!
Sophia Faye+ in-home newborn session
Sophia Faye. Sophie. The cutest name to go with the cutest little babe. I’m so grateful to this family for inviting me into their home at this time in their lives. Bringing home your first baby is magic. Exhausting, but magic nonetheless. I can already tell Sophie is going to be an independent girl because she made us work hard to get those sleeping shots, but it paid off! There is nothing sweeter and more angelic than a sleeping baby. These new parents are doing a great job! They were patient and so smitten with their fresh little babe. Capturing this new little family in their space made my heart… Keep Reading
Desert Family Session + Player-Timmons Family
Desert family sessions are one of my favs for sure! The kids love them too because afterwards they have a blast climbing all the rocks! This location is so close to where I grew up and we still spend time here for picnics and Easter camping. Shannon was a good friend of my mom’s; they bonded over their mutual love of yarn and crocheting. Anyone that had a place in my mom’s heart, has a place in mine. Shannon hand-dyes and spins her own yarn and she is so talented! You can check out her gorgeous creations here. Thanks for giving me the chance to capture your beautiful family. I love… Keep Reading
Ava is 3!
My Ava girl. I can’t believe you are already three. I’m not sure how it seems to happen so quickly. Sometimes when I look at you, I can’t wrap my mind around how big you are. You are so funny, sweet, determined and as stubborn as your mamma. You bring so much joy into our family! I love watching you be such a good big sister (when you aren’t picking on her haha). When you randomly give her hugs and kisses and tell her “I love you” it melts my heart. You had to have a Batman birthday cake, but you have never even seen Batman so we aren’t sure… Keep Reading
Sisters on Valentines
These two have been sick, tired and therefore cranky for the past couple weeks. I know they don’t feel well, but some days all the whining and crying and not sleeping just pushes me until I feel like I can’t do it. They can be so hot and cold. Tackling each other and stealing toys one minute and then cuddling and giving each other kisses the next. They are so sweet at times, it feels like my heart can’t soak up any more love. These photos were taken in less than five minutes and the girls went through the whole range of emotions haha… it captures their relationship perfectly! Man… Keep Reading