She is small but mighty. I love this little fireball! She brings so much joy into my life and I’m so grateful for that. I love you Tessie Monster!

She is small but mighty. I love this little fireball! She brings so much joy into my life and I’m so grateful for that. I love you Tessie Monster!
The session I used to be the most terrified of is now my favorite! In the past, I wished all families that booked me only had one little baby that still slept all day and couldn’t run away from me yet haha. Or maybe even a senior girl that was a total natural in front of the camera and listened to everything I said. I would get so nervous before a family session with several young kids or heaven forbid, toddlers! How will I win them over? Will they listen to me? What if they cry the whole time? Will dad just roll his eyes when I give him directions? Once I figured out how to work with energetic kids instead of against them, it all changed! Of course kids don’t want to stand perfectly still and take a list of instructions from a stranger. And no kid gives a natural smile when you say, “look here and say cheese”. Instead we play games and run and cuddle and it’s magical. Family sessions are so fun and are now my favorite to shoot! Every session ends up going so differently, highlighting each family’s unique dynamic. I love how I can give families the same games to play and yet the photos end up being one of a kind. Capturing the love and joy within families can’t be beat!
I married into the best family you guys! This is my husband’s brother, James and his gorgeous family. If you have ever met John, I probably didn’t even have to tell you this was his brother. I can’t tell you how many times people get them confused haha. I love taking family pictures for them! They are so fun and beautiful inside and out.
The summer after my husband John and I got married, he felt that doing summer sales was the right thing for us. Neither of us were too sure about it, but we packed up and drove to Arkansas anyway. It was not a very successful summer as far as sales went, but we met wonderful people! John still says to this day, the only reason we were supposed to go was to meet Nick and Lauren. Actually, we all lived in Logan, Utah at the time but didn’t meet until we were in Arkansas where Nick and Lauren were also doing summer sales. That has always seemed so funny to me. We love anytime we get to hang out with them! While we were at their house on Sunday for dinner, Lauren saw their family photos for the first time. I have never been with a client/friend to see their first reaction when they open their photo gallery, and it was so fun! She was so excited (her enthusiastic reactions are actually one of my favorite things about her)! Anyways, we love the Hancey’s and I’m so grateful they asked me to take their family photos. I love how they turned out!
Jeremiah is my second cousin and our families used to go camping together when I was younger. Not sure why we stopped because it was always so fun! It’s exciting when everyone starts their own families, but the downside is that it gets so big we gradually stop seeing our extended family as often. I was excited when his wife Melissa contacted me about a family session because it gave me a chance to catch up with them and to see their kids. I can’t believe how old they are! They look so grown up. Jeremiah picked out this location and it was perfect! He had gone here growing up and I’m so glad he suggested it. Basically they made my job super easy and I love the results!
Motherhood. It’s intense, difficult, exhausting, incredible, fulfilling, joyful, heartbreaking, challenging, messy, and a million other things. I think all mothers wonder if they are doing it right, get confused about where to go for help and information. There are so many conflicting opinions out there when it comes to parenting. Just remember we all screw up at times but we are doing our best. Give yourself grace. Kids are so loving and can forgive in an instant. It seems they give us endless chances to get it right, love unconditionally and continue to look up to us. Kids are the best. I know none of us are perfect, but this beautiful mamma might be the exception…. She is so involved, loving, present and selfless despite life’s challenges (that we all have). She has an Instagram account under @thisnewlifeofmine_ (you can find her blog there too) where she shares respectful parenting, kindness, her adorable kids, great tips, and support for other parents of kids with disabilities (or rather different abilities). I look up to her and love how positive she stays!
My husband and I met Addison and Jenna about 6 years ago, well before either of us added sweet babies to our families. We were all living in Logan at the time, but didn’t meet until we moved to Little Rock, Arkansas for summer sales. Funny how life works. I’m grateful they gave me the opportunity to photograph their beautiful family!
I absolutely love when I get to photograph people from my home town! Cleveland is tiny, and off the beaten path and it will always have my heart. Brooke also grew up in Cleveland, moved away for a bit, and now she and her gorgeous family moved back and built a beautiful home together. I hope to move my own family back there someday. Brooke is so easy to work with and the whole family made this session fun and easy! Their oldest will be leaving on an LDS mission to Arkansas soon and he is pretty excited (his mom isn’t talking about it). I loved documenting their family dynamic how it is right now. It will be so fun for them to look back on when things have changed and the little ones have grown. Thanks Petersen family and good luck on your mission Brans!
I visit Emery County often, so if you are interested in booking a session don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you have!
Desert family sessions are one of my favs for sure! The kids love them too because afterwards they have a blast climbing all the rocks! This location is so close to where I grew up and we still spend time here for picnics and Easter camping.
Shannon was a good friend of my mom’s; they bonded over their mutual love of yarn and crocheting. Anyone that had a place in my mom’s heart, has a place in mine. Shannon hand-dyes and spins her own yarn and she is so talented! You can check out her gorgeous creations here. Thanks for giving me the chance to capture your beautiful family. I love this session!
[Read more…] about Desert Family Session + Player-Timmons Family
The Comer family. So sweet and laid back. It turns out, our families are at similar places in our lives… both been married 5 years with two kids almost the same ages. Down the road I’m thinking we could set up their boys with my girls! I think it would be perfect… my husband would probably fight me on it though. I don’t think he will ever let them date, but maybe he will make an exception for adorable Sonny and Wells?
I love the way Brinley decorated her home, so simple and modern. It was right up my alley! It really allows their personalities and love for each other shine through. And Brinley’s style! If it wasn’t for her cute kids, her overalls would have stolen the show! I saw so many qualities in them as parents that I hope I can emulate with my girls. Sometimes family pictures can stress parents out (especially when toddlers are involved haha), but they were just easy going, lovey, patient and playful the whole time. I could spend the rest of my life only photographing moms and their babies and I would be completely content. When you see the look on Brin’s face, you’ll see why. Pure love and adoration. It’s just so good! And it’s all that really matters.